“Salty” watercolours


This gallery contains 10 photos.

There is a lot of info in Internet about using salt in watercolour painting, but I just wanted to make a short post of my own stuff to show some examples of how much fun salt can be. This was … Continue reading

Watercolour painting: blue mood


This gallery contains 26 photos.

In one of my previous posts I wrote about using just black for watercolour paintings. You can check it here. But today I’d like to introduce my second, or sometimes first preference for monochrome paintings: blue. Yes, there is variety … Continue reading

Watercolour painting: black and white mood


This gallery contains 23 photos.

Sometimes… sometimes I want to use all colours in my palette in one painting, and I have a lot of them 🙂 But sometimes… I don’t want any of them. If I was told that I could keep only one … Continue reading

Unplanned and spontaneous painting


This gallery contains 24 photos.

I read and heard many times that before starting a painting, one must plan it well: composition, colour palette, etc… In general I do agree with this, but in real life when painting I like breaking this rule really often! … Continue reading